Tales from Taveros: Rescue return to Akua

Epic Archive Forums Empyrion Tales Tales from Taveros: Rescue return to Akua


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  • Taveros

    Log: After finally making it off planet, I had heard Cadoyle had made the jump to a nearby planet, taken fire from the population below, and was stranded. I proceeded in the ‘lunar prototype’ after modifying it with the necessary drive.

    Arriving on Siros for rescue I was greeted by the same missle fire. Having no hull shielding, my warp drive was destroyed in the opening volley, along with several thrusters. After fixing some engines to limp north, I made it to Cadoyle’s crash site, which had now had a fully functioning base. Thankfully, there was an abundance of supplies that was salvaged from the earlier crash site.

    Impressed, I climbed about his Small Vessel , (some form of heavy lift vehicle to ferry resources), and we escaped back to Akua orbit, where Akua shipyards was stationed. Building the next capital vessel was on the mind, something to ferry hover vessels., or maybe future tanks.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Taveros.

    wow TAV! I love this!

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