Posted in Personal Logs

Nomads first time in the Executive Hangar – part 2

continuation from: Fourth: Securing the hangar’s entrance Inside we discovered three things: 1) A nonexisting door 2) 9 marked slots 3) 5 lights. When we first entered, there were 3 green and 2 red lights. Minglewood was so kind as to research the mechanism. And from there we learned that there was truly not much […]

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Back from the brink. Of soul crushing debt.

I had a ship and 5 aUEC. So the best thing to do was to look for work where I could use what I had and get paid. I opened the contract manager and started browsing. Hmm Bounty Hunting? 8 contracts available, that seems promising. But they were all player contracts. And I only had […]

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Time to be a man. Duke’s first jump to Pyro. “Hero to zero?”

The time had come. No point in putting it off any longer. For weeks now I’d been reading stories from traders and mercs coming back from the jump GATE/POINT. Reports of big profits, wild new planets and epic fights had me staying up late staring at the ceiling.    I could get through one more […]

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