Save Stanton Faction Dossier

As Save Stanton progresses, it is becoming clear that to gain rewards citizens must choose a faction to help in the fight surrounding The Slicers. I have dug up as much relevant information I can in order to help everyone make an informed decision and have the appropriate knowledge to discuss which direction Redscar Nomads should take.



Overall: Started as a smuggling gang in the Virgil system in the 2610s but quickly relocated to Ruin Station in 2620. The Headhunters lost control of Ruin Station in 2740 and instead started taking over outposts in Pyro. The Headhunters is one of many gangs operating in Pyro.

Save Stanton: In regards to the Save Stanton story line, the Headhunters want to maintain the status quo of Pyro. The missions for the Headhunters are specifically worded as “Protect Pyro”. The main agitators of Stanton is a gang called The Slicers, which is an unknown gang to The Headhunters. They are infuriated that they are being attacked by the Frontier Fighters despite having nothing to do with The Slicers other than sharing a system. Their missions revolve around striking supply convoys and clearing outposts.

Gameplay Ramifications: If siding with the Headhunters, the Citizens for Prosperity will become hostile and landing at Citizens for Prosperity controlled outposts will be met with hostility.

Frontier Fighters

Overall: Not much is known currently about the Frontier Fighters, but it seems that they were formed in 2954 as a response to the Slicer incursion. Their goal is to wipe out the Slicers and “any gangs that get in their way”.

Save Stanton: As stated above, the goal is to wipe out the Slicers. The missions for the Frontier Fighters are worded as “Purge Pyro”. They seem to want to strike out and attack any and all gangs in Pyro, whether or not they are aligned with the Slicers. Their missions revolve around assaulting asteroid bases and attacking outposts.

Gameplay Ramifications: If siding with the the Frontier Fighters the Citizens for Prosperity and Headhunters will become hostile and landing at both Citizens for Prosperity and Headhunter controlled outposts will be met with hostility.


Citizens for Prosperity

Overall: Started in 2950 in Lorville, the goal of the Citizens for Prosperity is to expand the non-outlaw population of Pyro to the point that the UEE will claim the system and bring it into the Empire. Initially starting as raids into Pyro to eliminate gangs, Citizens for Prosperity pivoted to trying to make safer spaces for civilians to live in peace in the hope to eventually attract commercial enterprises.

Save Stanton: While the Citizens for Prosperity seem to be somewhat aligned with the Frontier Fighters, they are operating at odds with each other. The missions for the Citizens for Prosperity are worded as “Reclaim Pyro”. Citizens for Prosperity seem to be just another of the gangs in Pyro that Frontier Fighters are looking to eliminate.  Their missions revolve around cargo hauling.

Gameplay Ramifications: If siding with the Citizens for Prosperity, the Headhunters will become hostile and landing at Headhunter controlled outposts will be met with hostility.


Note: all of this information is NOT FINALIZED and SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I’ll be updating this as more information from CIG comes out (Last updated 1/11)

3 thoughts on

Save Stanton Faction Dossier

  • JarJarJabroni

    This is the kind of information we need.

  • Tav

    Very solid, this helps me see it at a high level. For the Citizen’s of Prosperity, for now…

  • jaggrr

    I would agree, with the limited knowledge we have, the CoP faction would seem most appropriate to me.

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