Whilst doing my usual spree of gathering some pyrotechnics amalgamated supervisor cards, i decided to try my luck and run the contested zone at Orbituary, and all went as usual up until the abandoned medical area with the blue keycard imprinting machine, where, to my dismay, appeared an 18 minute cooldown. This… lets just say dampened the spirits, as obviously, someone has just been through here and is now probably in hangar 30 claiming some lovely comp boards and components instead of who should be, me. However seeing as i had already used my supervisor keycard i decided to push on to the printer for comp board number 4, which had a 20 minute cooldown, but hey ho i’ll just wait for it to end. Now imagine me, waiting there for the printer to reset, as a citizen runs past me to check the machine, fully kitted out in heavy armour, so of course i take the opportunity to… help myself to his belongings, and lo and behold, they have a number 4 compboard? While running the cz and running to the number 4 machine? Now i was thinking, what if they had just been waiting in here for the cooldown? However, as i made my way to the main hangar, i found myself face to face with a lone civilian, cowering in the corner next to the main compboard machine in the loot hangar, obviously terrified of my presence. What caught my eye was that this machine had only 5 seconds left until resetting, so after removing the possible threat from the situation with extreme prejudice, i claimed another sweet prize from this unexpected adventure to contribute to the Redscar Armory.