Posted in Personal Logs

How not to unload a borrowed C2 Hercules

I was buying and stock pilling commodities for the Supply and Die missions.  Anubis came online and mentioned he’d been making a killing doing the same thing.  He mentioned that he had an abundance of copper and corundum at the Magnus Gateway station.  He was getting close to the maximum personal storage for the station […]

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Posted in Personal Logs

What A Wild CZ Experience

Whilst doing my usual spree of gathering some pyrotechnics amalgamated supervisor cards, i decided to try my luck and run the contested zone at Orbituary, and all went as usual up until the abandoned medical area with the blue keycard imprinting machine, where, to my dismay, appeared an 18 minute cooldown. This… lets just say […]

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Its not the size…

While running contested zones with the Rangers, we found ourselves trapped on Checkmate due to an elevator outage. The only person that could rescue Cadoyle, Murphy, Lord-Anubis was Just-a-guy-with-a-name. The ship he was in and only one available to him was the trust Aurora! Now I had a full set of executive hangar comp-boards and […]

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Forging Fictional Characters

Crafting the perfect character, let alone their name, can feel like an odyssey of its own. I spent countless hours wandering the labyrinth of possibilities, unraveling the essence of Dorian Mersk—a hardened man forged by toil, yet destined for something far greater than the confines of his origins. Jyn Voss, however, demanded a more delicate […]

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Posted in Personal Logs

Nomads first time in the Executive Hangar – part 2

continuation from: Fourth: Securing the hangar’s entrance Inside we discovered three things: 1) A nonexisting door 2) 9 marked slots 3) 5 lights. When we first entered, there were 3 green and 2 red lights. Minglewood was so kind as to research the mechanism. And from there we learned that there was truly not much […]

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